COVID-19 Protocol

Sanctioned Club events will only take place in accordance to the Ontario COVID-19 response protocol.

Please review and assess your health before coming out to each event.

  1. Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days? YES/NO
  2. Has someone you are in close contact with tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days? YES/NO
  3. Are you in close contact with a person:
    • who recently travelled outside of Canada AND is sick with COVID-19 symptoms? YES/NO
    • who is sick with new respiratory symptoms YES/NO
    • who has symptoms and who is awaiting COVID-19 test results? YES/NO
  4. Do you have a fever? (temperature ≥ 37.8 °C) YES/NO
  5. Do you have any of these symptoms* YES/NO
     Chills
     New or worsening cough (dry or productive)
     Barking cough (croup)
     Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
     Sore throat
     Difficulty swallowing
     Loss of taste or smell
     Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
     Headache that is unusual or long-lasting
     Runny or stuffy nose (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes)
     Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/abdominal pain
     Muscle aches
     Unexplained fatigue/malaise
     Falling more than usual
     Other_____________________
    If you have answered:
     NO to all questions – PASS. proceed as scheduled.
     YES to any questions from #1 to #4 – FAIL. Put on a surgical mask, stay home
    and self-isolate. Take the self-assessment at, and follow any recommendations given by the tool.
     YES to #5 only – FAIL. Go to question #6.
  6. Are these symptoms typical for you (i.e. history of allergies, migraines, other known medical condition that usually causes these symptoms)?
     YES –Contact your doctor if they have worsened beyond your typical response
     NO – Stay home and self-isolate. Take the self-assessment at, and follow any recommendations given by the tool.
  7. The list of COVID-19 symptoms is evolving continuously. Consult for updates.