If you have equipment to sell or are looking for something to buy, email a description, photo as well as contact information and we will post it here. Please let us know when your article is sold to remove the listing. To keep page current, posts will be removed after 60 days unless instructed otherwise.
Have something paddle related to sell, please contact us for posting.
For Sale
Well cared for 17 ft. Kevlar Sea Touring Kayak. $1500

- 24 years old. Made by Northern Lights Canoe & Kayak, formerly of Barrie and Collingwood
- Weight under 50 lbs
- Oval Cockpit 16“ W x 30” L
- Front Hatch 10” W x 18” L
- Back Hatch 13” W x 21” L
- Drop down Rudder, Adjustable Foot pegs
- Beam 23” W Draft 14″
- Hull: White Deck: Real Blue and Yellow
- This kayak is light to carry and a gem to paddle.
- Covers distance quickly and easily with minimal effort when paddling into the wind/current
- Inludes Roleez 2 wheel Kayak/Canoe cart with 2 straps, a straight adjustable shaft Seaclude paddle made by Aqua Bound, approx 90” L with Blue Polyethelene Paddle Blades 17” L x 6” W and one bilge pump
Put the IT away for an afternoon. Kayaking will re-energize you and lessen the clutter between the ears. Please call 705-876-0999 with further questions.
Your want ad can be posted here.
This page is provided as a free service to paddlers. Peterborough Paddling Club accepts no responsibility for the condition, usability, or safety of any of the items listed here. Payment/delivery arrangements are to be mutually agreed upon by the seller and buyer.